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b6.5.1.721 for Mac will not display Main Window at all

100 Watt Walrus

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I just updated to b6.5.1.721 for Mac, and while it does launch (although it bombed the first time), the Main Window never appears — or so I thought when I sent an email to support@ with a sample from Activity Monitor. But it turns out it's just the Beta 6.5.0 (699) BUG - Main Window sometimes fails to render problem, but far worse. The Enpass window is 100% transparent, 100% of the time. It's there, but it's invisible except for the red-yellow-green buttons in the upper left corner.

Also, in this state it's impossible to interact with the Main Window in any way. All menu actions are grayed out, except system-standards like Close, Start Dictation.

I'll be restoring the previous build from Time Machine until a new build is issued. Please reply here when that happens because I will be ignoring the "new version" notice within the app, since I can't be sure I won't get b6.5.1.721 again.

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