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Enpass on rdp server : browser plugin communication problem


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Howdie all,

we are having issues with Browser plugins and their communication with the desktop app in a rdp server setup where multiple users are connected and run enpass.


Having enabled logs on both ends I think I figured out the reason.

25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : Opening connection on servername://
25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : Connection opened
25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : Connection established on port 10395
25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : Message parsed successfully
25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : Greetings from Enpass
25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : Message parsed successfully
25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : App Different user.
25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : Closing connection
25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : Disconnecting Manually.
25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : Bug with 10395
25.2.2021, 09:45:39 : Connecting using websocket

Seems browser plugins communicate with desktop app over a socket. And portnumber is fixed.

And it seems only one of the many Desktop apps (say 20 ppl are connected via rdp for home office) actually "owns" that socket. Say user Jane.


Jane's browser extension wants to communicate with its desktop app. it talks to the socket. jane's desktop app replies..all is good

Joe's browser extension wants to communicate with its desktop app. it talks to the socket. jane's desktop app replies... says you are not jane but joe... I am not talking to you!

Is that correct?


Is there an existing way to make it work?


If not: quick brainstorm:


- One way to make this work would be to have the portnumber be configurable for the user in both the desktop app as well as the plugin app.


A bit more complex but user transparent

- First Enpass to start up starts as well a enpass switch process that claims that socket with the fixed portnumber. 

- enpasses talk to that switch socket with user info and get their own portnumber_user back and listen to that one for browser extension requests

- browser plugins talk to switch socket too with user info and get their own portnumber_user back. then talk to their desktop enpass over that portnumber_user


Edited by remosito
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Hey @remosito

Yes. If the Enpass Extension is not able to connect with one port(10395), it should try on the next port as Enpass supports 5 users at once. Please try with the other 4 ports i.e 10391 to 10394. If you are getting any trouble on all the other ports as well, please contact us at support@enpass.io. Meanwhile, I am forwarding your concern to the team.


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thank you for your quick reply. 

That explains it then.

We have pretty serious covid lockdown restrictions with homeoffice recommended for all companies and workers where that is possible.

So most of our people are on homeoffice and working remotely via rdp. It is not uncommon to have 20 parallel users.

Any way to increase that 5 users limit and make enpass use 50 ports?


will contact support@enpass.io as well


thanks again



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