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iOS : Enpass is reading Clipbord when app is opened


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This is not welcomed behaviour from you Enpass app !!!  

deactivate this reading !!!


How many data have you collected by this mean ? 

As many Chinese apps are linked to Chinese government and so were rightly banned, your app also could be linked to Indian government !!! 

now I will start to lunch a compaign on social media, on tech website etc. 



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  • Su30MKI changed the title to iOS : Enpass is reading Clipbord when app is opened

I have evidence : it’s in french 

« Enpass a collé depuis YouTube »

Translation :


« Enpass has pasted from YouTube »

The scenario was the following :

Copy a link from YouTube 

then send it to any of your contact 

then open Enpass app. 

you will get the message that Enpass pasted the data from the clipboard. 

For information I’m using iOS 14.4



now imagine I had pasted sensitive data  from any apps on my device and started Enpass app immediately after ? 





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4 hours ago, Ivarson said:

Yes but no thanks. The read of the clipboard should be done if and only if I use the function “PASTE” within Enpass. 

I do not want the data being read out of my will. 

in Europe, when apps were caught red handed, they immediately updated  their apps and fixed the issue ! 

but here in India.. it’s normal. 


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Hi @Su30MKI

Thanks for sharing your concern.

As @Ivarson has mentioned, we access clipboard content to see if there is any shared item on the clipboard. Rest, stay assured the captured data is ephemeral and is used locally for that screen only. However, I have notified my team about your concern, and they will definitely look into it.

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2 hours ago, Pratyush Sharma said:

Hi @Su30MKI

Thanks for sharing your concern.

As @Ivarson has mentioned, we access clipboard content to see if there is any shared item on the clipboard. Rest, stay assured the captured data is ephemeral and is used locally for that screen only. However, I have notified my team about your concern, and they will definitely look into it.

No I’m sorry but no apps has to behave like this. 

if there is something in the clipboard and I do not want to share it with Enpass ? 

i will contact AppStore and Google PlayStore to alert them about your app. 

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19 minutes ago, Pratyush Sharma said:

Hi @Su30MKI,

Based on your feedback and concern, we will definitely improve this in Enpass. Thanks for your feedback.


Great ! But when ? 

Enpass should read the clipboard only when I call “paste” function inside the app. 

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