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Enpass Discussion Forum

Filling Info When Not Auto-Detected


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Hi all... new convert from Last Pass.


On some websites and apps. Enpass doesn't recognize that it needs to fill info (this was the case with LastPass too, no big deal).

On LastPass, there was a QuickSettings Tile... I could just pull the notification shade down, tap it, and get the UN/Pass copy options so I didn't have to leave the app or site.

How can I do this on Enpass?  Obviously it's not an ideal UX to leave the app to go get the info.

Android 11, OnePlus 8 Pro

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Hey @DrSuSE

Welcome to the forum!

Could you please enable the options Android Auto-fill and Auto-fill using Accessibility from the Auto-fill Settings of Enpass on your Android device to better experience the auto-fill functionality of Enpass. If the problem still persists, please share the Enpass version you using and the website/app where you are not getting the option to auto-fill the details.

Also I would like to mention that after the last release of Enpass v6.6.3, there have been some issues with auto-filling on some bank websites and apps and we are working to fix the issue. Hopefully, it will be fixed in the subsequent release of Enpass.


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