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Newbie needs HELP


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I just installed Enpass on my pc, I also installed the Firefox and Chrome extensions, I have ran a sync from my pc to OneDrive, and connected both my browsers to OneDrive. On pc if I click on All Items, I see all my passwords, that I imported in from LastPass. But that is as far as I got. I can't get my passwords on my browsers, I can't get anything to autofill, I can't get it to save new passwords.

I haven't tried separating into the individual categories. Since I haven't been able to get anything else work right I was afraid to do something I couldn't reverse, figuratively speaking.

If someone could just get me started in the right direction, I don't expect you to hold my hand through everything, just get me started. Once I get there, I will have learned enough to figure it out myself. It's a password manager, not rocket science, but right now it might as well be rocket science because I just don't understand the thought process.


Thank You


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Hey @banned-one

Welcome to the forum!

22 hours ago, banned-one said:

I can't get anything to autofill,

To autofill passwords saved in Enpass on any app/website, open the website in which you wish to auto-fill and then click on the Enpass extension plugin. The extension window will show you all the matching items, you can select the particular one to fill by double-clicking on the item. 

You can also check the same on our YouTube video.

22 hours ago, banned-one said:

I can't get it to save new passwords

When you login to an existing webpage (saved in Enpass database) or a new webpage with a new/changed password, Enpass detects the changes and prompts to update/save the information. Make sure you have enabled Ask to save new logins from Enpass Browser Setting so that you can get option to save new logins in Enpass using extension.

Hope this helps! 

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OK, I don't know what happened, I sent this like 2 or 3 days ago.


Thank you for information, I will make note of it, (this response is working with Firefox, but chrome is the same) however when trying to autofill, do I right or left click. If it's left click, nothing at all happens, like nothing. If I right click, I get a menu where the first selection is "manage extension"  which opens the Firefox extension menu. The only way to get enpass to open to a usable menu, I have to click the icon in the notification area. I can work with the vault, but even clicking on autofill it does nothing with the browser


Also you said that enpass would recognize a new or updated password, and it will ask to save the file, but it's not doing that. I can't get it to save at all. Like I said I managed to import from Firefox, I believe, but I have to go in and select the password I want to use, copy it, then paste it.

I guess I installed it wrong, or something. do you think it would help to uninstall and reinstall?

Edited by banned-one
added info
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Hey @banned-one

Thanks for writing back.

On 6/20/2021 at 6:17 PM, banned-one said:

(this response is working with Firefox, but chrome is the same) however when trying to autofill, do I right or left click. If it's left click, nothing at all happens, like nothing. If I right click, I get a menu where the first selection is "manage extension"  which opens the Firefox extension menu. The only way to get enpass to open to a usable menu, I have to click the icon in the notification area. I can work with the vault, but even clicking on autofill it does nothing with the browser

Considering that you have installed Enpass extension for chrome browser and pinned it as given in the attached snapshot(chrome 1). After installation, left click on the Enpass plugin icon to pair the Enpass app with the extension by entering a pass-code on the extension window to authenticate. Attached a snapshot of same for your reference.

Also, you can refer to this link to add Enpass extension on chrome browser. Once done, you can left click on the Enpass plugin available on the browser and it will show you all the matching items to autofill. If this doesn't help you, share the snapshot of the page so that we can help you better.

On 6/20/2021 at 6:17 PM, banned-one said:

Also you said that enpass would recognize a new or updated password, and it will ask to save the file, but it's not doing that. I can't get it to save at all.

Make sure you have enabled Ask to save new logins from the Enpass browser settings. To do so, follow the steps: Open Enpass > Settings > Browser > Enable Ask to save new logins.

Also, you can refer to this link to enable the same in Enpass settings.


chrome 1.png

Enpass Plugin.png

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