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Wlan Synconisation never got a valid verify Code

André Fluck

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Dear Supportteam,


I'm new with these Product but read a lot to compare and understand until I decide me for Enpass. Everything work fine for me except the Plan Sync from Windows to Mobile ( Android or Apple ). 

1. The QR code never work. The QR code the Server shows me never do a request on the Mobile side.

2. So I try to connect them manually to Sync them. I find the Server everything looks fine, if I click on the Server normally I should see the Authentication (Valid Code) from the Server. On the Mobile devices never change the Code and I see the "145678" Code. I think that's a placeholder Code.


If I Sync them form Mac everything works well except the Automatical resync if I got any change on master side.


I try to find Standard ports for the Firewall etc., I want to try to do an extra rule except the auto entry from the Start of the Server.

I find no clou or Answer about this Problem. Hope anyone of you could Help me.


Most regards


André Fluck

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Hi @André Fluck,

Welcome to the Enpass community.

Please refer to this page for a complete information about Wi-Fi Sync Troubleshooting and also would suggest you follow the below-mentioned steps.

  • Turn off your wireless router and restart again.
  • Make sure that the date and time are the same or set to Automatic on all devices.
  • Disable the WLAN server in the Enpass desktop app. Then turn it back on again. For more information refer to our Wi-Fi Sync Manual Setup.

Do let me know if it worked for you or not so that I can assist you better.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Hi @Gulshan Dogra,

Sorry for ma late answer. Was a bit busy. Thanks for the tipps. I tryed them but i had the same Issue like befor. 
1. The QR Code for the Wlan-Sync will never be read from the Enpassapp. So i have to do the manuel way to sync them. 

For the manuel connection i have to find the "Server" ( IP ). Thats no Problem but in the next step who i should compare the "Verification-Code" ( 6 characters ) never change on my Handy and theres not the same like the Server. See the attachment. This is only a Windows Problem it seems like. With my Mac i can Sync all Tresor expect the QR-Code theres no working to on MAC.


Hope the Infos Helps. 


Most regards


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@André Fluck,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Please share the following details so that I can assist you better.

  1. What is the OS version of your Windows in which you are creating Wi-Fi sync server?
  2. On which Device (along with the OS version) you are connecting with Wi-Fi sync server?
  3. Screenshot of the issue you are facing.
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