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Can I migrate my "Lite" account from on older Mac laptop to a new Mac laptop?

Mrs. McMillan

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Hi @Mrs. McMillan,

Welcome to the Enpass community.

In order to access/migrate the same database of your Older Mac to New Mac you need to sync your database with each other by following steps:

  1. Open Enpass on your Old Mac and go to Enpass settings --> Click on 'Vaults' --> Select the PRIMARY vault---> Select ‘Set up Sync’ and choose a cloud account to your database.
  2. Enter your cloud account details, follow the instructions, and wait till the sync is done (for more information about this step refer to this link).
  3. Download the Enpass App on your New Mac-> “Welcome Screen“ will appear--> Click on “Restore existing data”.
  4. Choose the same cloud account from which you had enabled sync on your device as in step 1--> Enter the credentials --> Enter the Master Password -->Click on “Restore“.
  5. Once the sync is done, the database from your Old Mac will be synced with your New Mac.
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