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Could you pls add support for handling otpauth urls? 

For now if I set enpass as default app for that type of links - I just have got opened app, without filled up token. 


hello, @Manish Chokwal
2FA works well, and thats really great, but I'm talking about situations when site give you otpauth:// url. For now enpass desktop app doesnt know what to do with it. 

I'll describe the case: 
We've got 2fa token generator at work, it gives you otpauth:// url after sms confirmation. Default behavior that is happening in OSX - keychain app is opened and ask you to choose password item to add otp to it. (So url contains otp tocken which is autoinserted to form) 

What I've tried: change default url association for optauth:// from keychain to enpass, but for now enpass just opened and thats all. 

And it will be great, if enpass app got otpauth:// it asks for create or choose item to add otp to it, and insert token url to otp field. 


Hope i describe it) 


Hello @Sundelor,

Thank you for explaining the whole scenario. It would be so helpful if you can share your 2FA generator details. However, I have shared it all with the concerned team for further consideration. Your patience is highly appreciated here. 





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