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Show vault name in inline popup


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i love the new inline popup and i always missed it.
But i have one "issue" with the popup, i have multiple vaults and each vault have a login for the same website (in that case netcup).

If the popup is open i just see the name  "netcup" twice and the username (which is a customernumber), so i would love if you could the name of the vault somewhere.
I don't know which customerNumber is for which vault.

I guess that feature makes sense :-)

One little other request: Could you add a option to disable the auto popup as soon a site is loaded ?


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Hi @False

Thank you for the suggestions, and we are happy to hear that you like our new Inline pop-up menu!

The features you have requested (Displaying the name of the vault and disabling auto pop-up when a site loads) are definitely something that will be nice to have. I have noted these suggestions and shared them as feedback with our tech team so they may look into their feasibility and implement them in the future Enpass versions. Appreciate your patience in the meantime!


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