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In chrome extension Strg(Ctrl) + Alt not working anymore


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maybe i am confused, but there was an update last week for the chrome extension on my windows 10 machine, and since then i cant use Strg+Alt+A anymore. Only to open the Enpass app. In the chrome extension i only can use Strg (Ctrl for english keyboard) OR Alt, but not both. 

Why was this changed? 


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Hello @SvenS,

Recently, we have released a new version of the Enpass app and its Extension which has an inline menu feature for a smoother autofill functionality. Enpass extension now lets the browser control the keyboard shortcuts natively that means users can set their preferred hotkey as per their convenience. For more details, please visit our user manual.

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thanks for the answer. 

I checked the manual, but the problem is like shown in the picture:


For automatic fill in i have to choose Strg OR Alt, but i had before Strg + Alt + A. So is this a bug or why its not working anymore?


ps: Strg equals Ctrl

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It's definitely a bug. I used to have CTRL+X, it's not working anymore. Every time I press this (or any other) combination, only the enpass extension settings getting opened.

The only combination that works correctly is the default CTRL+SHIFT+PERIOD one. First, who designed this combination? In the middle of the keyboard and you have to lift up your hand if you using your right hand for the mouse. On the left side is more natural for the most users and don't need to remove your hand from the mouse (Something like CTRL+SHIFT+A, CTRL+ALT+A, CTRL+SHIFT+F, CTRL+ALT+F).

I'm using Linux (debian buster) / Firefox ESR (up-to-date)

Edited by randomguy
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Hello @SvenS@randomguy,

We are aware of the concern of setting new a shortcut & getting accustomed to it, but for a deep robust browser and Enpass Extension integration in the long term, Enpass extension lets the browsers control the keyboard shortcuts natively. Also, this way Enpass Extension doesn't interfere with a browser’s default shortcuts. For example, users can use "ctrl+key" or "alt+key" to activate the extension or to autofill (as shown in the picture below).  


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  • 1 month later...
On 11/25/2021 at 9:18 AM, Manish Chokwal said:

Hello @SvenS@randomguy,

We are aware of the concern of setting new a shortcut & getting accustomed to it, but for a deep robust browser and Enpass Extension integration in the long term, Enpass extension lets the browsers control the keyboard shortcuts natively. Also, this way Enpass Extension doesn't interfere with a browser’s default shortcuts. For example, users can use "ctrl+key" or "alt+key" to activate the extension or to autofill (as shown in the picture below).  


This is all nice and stuff, but as I explained, I used the shortcut CTRL+X and this just opened the settings page of enpass in firefox.

I changed to CTRL+E now as in your screenshot and this is working. So the problem might be, that enpass is detecting that the combination CTRL+X is used by firefox already and opens up the enpass settings. There should be at least a message to the user, that he has to change his settings to another combination, because CTRL+X is already used by firefox or when trying to set an already used combination.

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