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Confused on how we add family members


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Hi guys,

We purchased the Enpass 24-Month Family Membership, i want to add shared logins so other family members can retrieve and get access

1. I created a new vault (let's call it sharedvault) with the purpose of sharing all logins, i then sync The Vault to Google Drive via my main email login for enpass.io lets call it email1@gmail.com

2 I added family member here: https://console.enpass.io/ they then receive a email to their own personal account (lets call it email2@gmail.com)

Now i'm confused from here, what is the user suppose to do exactly to get access to thevault? Do they need to access the Google Drive or something first, i'm a bit confused and have read the instructions on the website.



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Hi @chris007, @halbot

Once you have created a new vault, you can share this vault with the below steps -

Moving data to this vault -

Copy all the items from your other vaults to this newly created vault which you would like to share with other people. You can Select the items from other vaults → Right-click -> Add to Vault → Select Newly Created Vault → Continue.

After the items have been moved to the new vault, please setup sync on that vault with the cloud account of your choice.

Sharing Vault -

Now you can share the password of that vault and the new cloud account details with whom you wish to share the vault. Once they are on the welcome screen of Enpass or have created a new vault, tell them to sync via the same cloud details you shared with them.


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Thanks Abhishek, on desktop version of the app when the other family members login are they logging in with their own master password first (screenshot 1)? 

Once they log in where do they go to actually add the vault i created, they will just see their own primary vault like screenshot 2?

But on the desktop app where do they go to sync and add the the new vault?

Would highly recommend a video to be created on this process and added to https://www.youtube.com/c/SinewSoftware this is very confusing.



Screenshot 1.jpeg

Screenshot 2.png

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Hi @chris007

Once you have created a vault, copied all your items and synced it with a cloud server (Share the login credentials of the cloud account with members of your choice), please ask your family members to login into their own Enpass with their own master password and do the following steps -

  1. Creating a new Vault on their existing Enpass application -

    On your Enpass Desktop application, go to Settings -> Vaults -> "+" -> Enter any Vault Name.
  2. Syncing the newly created vault to the same cloud account -

    Now a screen similar to the below attached image will open. Please select the same cloud account to which you synchronized the vault you wish to share. It will ask for the cloud account details and password of the vault. After entering the details, all the passwords will be accessible.

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