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Enpass Discussion Forum

Crash always


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Yesterday was working ok but noticed that wasn't syncing to iCloud. So this what I did:

  1. Few clicks on sync button and nothing happens.
  2. Remove sync setting.
  3. Activate sync with iCloud.
  4. iCloud ask for permission. Granted. 
  5. Empass crashes :( 

After this, every time that I open Empass:

  1. Click on Empass.
  2. Ask for permission (use touchID). Granted.
  3. Empass crashes again :( 


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I removed:

  • Enpass app
  • Empass folders & files in Library.
  • Remove iCloud permissions to Enpass,
  • Clean trash

Finnaly rebooted Mac. Double checked that all previously removed files were really deleted. Rebooted Mac again.


  • Install Enpass from App Store. 
  • Open Enpass :)
  • Synced with iCloud. All my passwords were there :)
  • BUT: iCloud icon keeps "syncing" and vault settings window says "synchronizing..." 

iCloud sync is broken.

Maybe I have to change to sync with Dropbox or other option.

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