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i was wondering if there would be an possible workaround to store the same password in different safes without showing it twice or more.


Cause we use enpass-app to collaborate passwords in different teams, so each team holds a sprerate safe to store them. Sometimes different teams store the same password, so editing one, means edit it twice or more times in all safes.


Hi @Pii

You can store the same password in your different vaults, and if you wish to view only the password of a particular vault, please select that vault in the vault selection menu (On the top right side of the application).


Hope this helps!


Thanks but you're writing about just the view not the logic. I knew about this you mentioned.

I rather mean the fact of joining the password entries, so that all will be edited once you editing one password. Maybe you unstand now :-)


Hi @Pii

At the moment, it is not possible to do this, but I have duly noted your comment and shared it as feedback with the dedicated team. Although, you can create a new vault, add the items you wish to share among your team members and share the credentials of the vault with them. That way, any changes made to any entry by your team members will reflect in the shared vault.


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