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Enpass Discussion Forum

Settings synchronisation


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My feature request: please also sync Enpass app settings among the credentials. I have to reset all the settings (lock timeout, PIN code, autofill, auto-submit) whenever I reinstall Enpass (strangely enough, it happens quite often). It would be nice to have these settings synced.


PS: I hope this feature request has not been posted yet, I haven't found anything similar in the forum.




Edited by Ademain
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On 1/3/2022 at 7:53 PM, Ademain said:

I have to reset all the settings (lock timeout, PIN code, autofill, auto-submit) whenever I reinstall Enpass (strangely enough, it happens quite often).

I had to reinstall my Windows 11 three times in the last days. I exported the following registry keys under:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sinew Software Systems Pvt Ltd]

After reinstalling, I imported these keys and all my settings were back again! It seems that Enpass settings are saved into the registry. Just backup and restore the keys and you should be fine, if you are using Windows. :)

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I guess so, even if it may not be that simple as different platforms may have differents settings. For instance, I have a fingerprint reader on my Windows laptop (I use it to unlock Enpass) but not on my Macbook laptop (I use the PIN code). So this particular setting should not be overwritten from one device to the other. 

I let the Enpass team think about this, I'm sure they will figure this out :D


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