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Synchronisation with Dropbox


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Hi, when I sync my vault to Dropbox, Enpass creates a folder "Apps" on the top level of the Dropbox including the vault sync file and the backup file. Though, I'd like to move the "Apps" folder to a different location, but can't figure out how to do this. When I move it, I get a sync error. I can change the location for the backup file in the settings but not the location for the vault sync. Any advice how to do this? Thanks!

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Thanks for using Enpass and writing to us.

For security and various other reasons the cloud providers allow apps to sync their data in specified application folders. If any app would try to create a folder at any other location, it would require the root permission and have access to all the data in cloud. In case of Dropbox, that location is Apps folder.



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  • 11 months later...

Jumping in here cause I am having a similar problem. Somehow my dropbox sync folders got in disorder.


PC syncs to \Apps\Enpass\Vaults\primary\ (here resides the vault.enpassdb).

iPad/iPhone syncs to \Apps\Enpass only.

I can't get the two systems to use the same folder / database and I can't find any setting to set the folder on dropbox for sync.

I deinstalled already Enpass and its data and reinstalled - now way.


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Hi @JohnnyX,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

For quick troubleshooting I would recommend follow the steps mentioned below and share your findings with us.

  1. Disconnect Sync from all devices that are synced with dropbox.
  2. Open Dropbox on any browser on your windows device-->Go to App--> Enpass folder-->Vault.enpassdbsync-->Rename it as Old vault.enpassdbsync.
  3. Now open Enpass and connect with dropbox Sync on all devices.
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PC syncs to \Apps\Enpass\Vaults\primary\ (here resides the vault.enpassdb).

iPad/iPhone syncs to \Apps\Enpass only.

I can't get the two systems to use the same folder/database and I can't find any setting to set the folder on Dropbox for sync.

I deinstalled already Enpass and its data and reinstalled on PC as well as iphone/iPad - now way.


I have removed the sync to Dropbox on all devices as advised and renamed the file Vault.enpassdbsync.

Then I tried to activate the Dropbox sync on PC again. In Dropbox I allowed access for the Enpass app.  Dropbox redirected me now to a NEW Enpass sign-on (the "old" Enpass window is still active). When I enter my password Enpass responds with "master password not valid". I have definitely entered the correct password.

What can I do now?

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Sorry, but we are turning ourselves in a circle. 

PC Enpass ist working fine. Database is in Dropbox:  \Apps\Enpass\Vaults\primary.

Now I have a newly installed Enpass on my iPad with an empty database. I try to sync to Dropbox. Enpass is syncing, but I don't get any entries from the PC database.

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I too am having the same problem when trying to set Enpass up on a new computer. I am absolutely sure I am using the correct database password, I have used it for years. But I keep getting a incorrect password message. I also tried making a backup of my data that is still syncing on my phone, transferred that file to the PC and tried to do a restoration, still get an invalid password error message. Checked my password on my phone and yes it is correct. What is going on?

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