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Item Display Gets Garbled


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At least since the last update (running 6.8.0 (1002)), some of the time item descriptions get garbled. I haven't found a pattern and happens on various entries. However, I think it only happens once for the over 300 items in the vault. Running on latest Windows 10 Surface Pro v5. Happens on system display and external monitor. 

And the refresh on items after clearing a search seems to have slowed down considerably. 

Screenshot 2022-03-18 204949.png

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It appears this is happening on the 18th or 19th entry in the item list. It is happening on each of the vaults on my machine. But it is only happening on my Surface Pro 5, not on other machines. I would guess it is related to the high resolution screen of the Surface Pro.

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Dear Abhishek,

I am very glad you were able to reproduce the problem and it is not something odd with my system. I will look forward to the update you it is ready. We love Enpass and appreciate the both the responsiveness of the team and the dedication to making improvements.  Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi @JeffB

The bug due to which item display is getting garbled will be fixed in our upcoming Enpass stable version (ver 6.8.0) update. Regarding slowness in the Enpass app, kindly share the below details with me, and I'll get it checked - 

  1. The platforms on which you have Enpass installed where you are facing this issue. Please share the version of the Enpass app and OS installed on those platforms as well.
  2. Is the application showing slowness after any particular action, i.e, launching the app for the first time, searching etc?
  3. The number of vaults and Items you have in your Enpass app.
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I am glad to hear the garbled item fix is on the horizon. As to the slowness, I was able to resolve it after noticing the sync database and the backups had grown significantly. Here significantly means the sync database growing from about 38MB with over 500 items to almost 500MB and the backup file growing from 18MB for three different vaults to over 350MB. 

I was able to shut off sync on the two windows computers, and an Android phone, and then reinstall on one of the Windows machines starting with a backup. Then setting up sync again on the other devices. All seems to be humming along as before now.

If I can provide any more information about the root cause of the problem, I will need some direction. However, I am content for now that everything is working well. 

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I am attaching a folder listing of my vault backups that shows the progress of the problem with repository size (and presumably the source of the speed problem). The jump from 3.7MB to 4.4MB does not seem significant, but then it jumps to 17MB and then to 39MB and ultimately to 380MB (where the performance issues became significant). My efforts to recover brought the file size back to 39MB but it still seems too large. I am reluctant to try to recover back to the 4MB range as I would lose some significant entries. 

Do you have any suggestions as to a way to clean up the vaults, or any suggestions about alternative recover mechanisms? 


Screenshot 2022-04-30 115814.png

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Hi @JeffB

On the Enpass Desktop application, the auto-backup feature stores 60 backups, and all the previous backups are automatically replaced with the most recent ones. At the moment, the only way would be to manually delete the old backup files. However, we intend on bringing more controls to the auto-backup feature like auto-dispose, limiting the number of backups, etc, which may further help in the occasional slowness due to auto-backup files. This feature is still under consideration, and we appreciate your support and patience while we check its feasibility for future Enpass versions.


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I am not commenting on the number of backup files, I posted the image to show the dramatic size increase of the backup files starting in the middle of April. The size increase was unexpected and by April 28 it was pathological. After a major effort, I am working again, but still the sync and backup files are larger than the historical size by a factor of 10. But at least it is not >100x.

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I have been able to update my Android phone and my two windows machines to the latest build. The sync and backup files remained about 10 times usual size. So...

I exported the primary vault (where the problem has been) to a JSON file. Then disconnected all of the instances, removed all of the vaults, deleted the app and reinstalled one machine at a time, and rebuild with the JSON export. Then set up each of the machines and vaults again. Now the sync file is 2.9MB instead of 38MB. I will monitor the performance and sizes periodically, but I am confident things will remain stable for a while.

And now I have a good procedure to rebuild the if in may be needed again in the future.  It is nice that there are ways to resolve the problem with the existing tools and capabilities. 

Thanks, Jeff 

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Hi @JeffB

That's great! I appreciate you notifying me and sharing the steps you took to reduce the file size when the backup files caused slowness. I'm sure it will be beneficial for anyone facing a similar issue. If you face the slowness issue again, feel free to update this forum, and I'll be happy to assist you with it :)

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I think you are misunderstanding the problem. It is not the size of the backup files that was causing the slowness, it was the size of the SQLCipher database. It appears that there was some sort of internal corruption or duplication that was being reflected in both the sync file and the backups. I am glad there was procedure to restore the integrity of the database. Maybe you would pass this information to the developers for their future reference.  Thanks.

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