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Does Enpass on my iPhone or iPad sync up with my pc if there is a missing login on my computer?

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Hi @ng4ever,

From your query, we are unable to understand your concern completely. Are you referring that you can see a recently updated item in the iPhone & iPad but not on your PC? If that is the case, I suggest you try to disconnect the sync from all the devices and sync them again one by one. If it does not helps, please share the following details:

  1. Share the details of Enpass version and OS information. 
  2. Help me with your cloud account information. 
  3. Make sure the date & time must be the same across the devices. 
  4. Share the error message if you are getting any while syncing. 
  5. Check the last sync date on your PC as it has a missing item. 
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@ng4ever if you've set up the same cloud account for that vault on all your devices, then yes. When syncing, Enpass compares contents within the local and "remote" database.

A missing item will be added and the latest modifications will within items will be applied. 

As always when you're utilizing Synchronization in any context, the time-settings on all involved devices are crucial. 

Luckily, that's rarely something one has issues with today since most devices syncs it time from the internet by default. 

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