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Enpass Keyfile and Password Problem


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I am 24/7 enpass user and while reading white paper one enpass today i found out about key file to make my database more secure as keyfile works as 2FA for database.

First i created a database with keyfile and copied my primary vault data to the new vault. Then i connected my new vault to webdav on icedrive.net after syncing everything to my cloud storage i wanted to remove primary vault and keep using the new vault with keyfile. I removed all databases from my enpass and started restoring new vault from icedrive.net once i came to the step where is asks for password and keyfile it gave me error that my keyfile and password does not match. I was bit curious that i have made a mistake somewhere and hopefully i have my primary vault backup so let's do it again but after doing it second time and writing down my password just to make sure i am typing the right password it gave me same error. Then i removed new vault again and created another vault. I connected that new vault to dropbox but guess what? keyfile and password did not matched again. Now this cannot be coincidence as i can be wrong once or twice but not thrice.

Then i created a new vault with new key and copied my primary vault to new Database but this time i did not connected to cloud and kept it offline. I took and backup of my new vault and removed all vaults from my enpass. Uninstalled enpass from my mac and after reinstalling i tried to restore from backup but again keyfile and password did not match.


Is there anyone who can tell me what exactly is doing on and where am i wrong? Keyfile is same and password is 10000% correct but still enpass did not match my keyfile and password. I really want to use keyfile system to secure my database but as far as i have tested it is not working for me.


My Mac and OS used

Macbook Pro 15 (2015)

OS: macOS Monterey 12.3.1

Thank you

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Hi @Fadi

Could you please confirm the number of vaults you have in your Macbook Enpass app, and did you create a key file for the master password (which is associated with the Primary vault) or any secondary vault?

If you have created a key file for your Primary vault and you try to restore this vault on any other device, it will require your master password + key file of the Primary vault. Similarly, if you created a key file for any secondary vault and you are trying to restore this secondary vault on a different device, then the password of this vault + key file of this vault will be required. You can also refer to this link on how to use key files.

Note - It is possible to create multiple vaults with multiple key files, and you will be able to access the vault only by using the appropriate master password/vault password along with the appropriate key file.

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@Abhishek Dewan I have 2 vaults in macbook app and i have created keyfile for secondary vault. Yes i know when we restore vault it requires keyfile and password but every time i try to restore vault it says keyfile and password does not match. i have tried this 3 times as i have described in details above. I never ever tried to restore vault without keyfile or even with wrong keyfile. after first time i thought i have made mistake and keyfile is wrong but after testing this 2 more times very carefully generating key file and loading it again to restore i always get error that keyfile and password does not match. i have even tried ti note down my password and generated keyfile in separate folder but still error was same.

Edited by Fadi
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Hi @Fadi

As you mentioned that you are creating a key file for the secondary vault, could you please confirm that you are using the password of your secondary vault + key file instead of the master password for Enpass on your other device when trying to restore this vault? For troubleshooting purposes, please try the below steps and share your findings with me - 

  1. Create a new vault 'test' and set its password as 'test'. While creating the vault, also set a key file for it.
  2. Sync this vault with a new cloud account.
  3. On your other device, try restoring this 'test' vault by entering the vault password 'test' and the key file.

Were you able to access this vault on your other device?

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