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Wi-Fi Sync with multiple servers?


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I have an iMac, a MacBook and an iPhone and use Enpass on all of them. Usually at home, I work at the iMac, the MacBook being turned off. On the go, I use the MacBook. What I wish for is a set up, where I can sync over the Wi-Fi between iPhone and iMac - or between iPhone and iMac. As for iMac and MacBook, usually one of these is not available. The iPhone is always charged, turned on, and available.

How can I set up a sync between these devices? At home, I use the iMac and want to sync to the iPhone. When leaving, Enpass on the MacBook is usually outdated, so I want to sync it with the iPhone (which is assumed to have all the latest passwords). But at that time I'm away and the iMac is no longer there.

How can I keep the 3 devices in sync? Is it possible to have multiple servers for the Wi-Fi sync? Or can an iPhone be a sync server?

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Hi @Alegro,

I appreciate your explanation of the whole scenario. With regards to Wi-Fi sync, a desktop/laptop is a better and more stable server option as compared to a mobile application. Currently, it is not possible for a mobile app to act as a server, and also an option to create multiple servers is not possible. Under the Enpass app, the only way is to make your desktop/laptop Enpass application act as a server and sync other devices with it.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @Manish Chokwal,

I appreciate the attempt at answering the question, but you didn't answer the base question that @Alegro was trying to ask which is:

How to wifi sync with multiple servers?  I have a computer at home, and a computer at work, where the only bridge between the two is my phone.

Are you telling me that Enpass is so limited that I can't connect all three together to keep my passwords synced between all three devices? Am I just doomed to not be able to keep all three synced if I don't want to use the cloud? 

Edited by trebory6
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Hi @trebory6,

Welcome to the Enpass Community Forums. 

Enpass Wi-Fi Sync lets you synchronize your data wirelessly between multiple devices connected to the same network. Due to the fact that you have a computer at home and one at work, Wi-Fi Sync can't transfer data between them as they are on different networks and places. Since your mobile acts as the only link between them, it cannot act as a server, which means that all of them cannot be synced at once.

However, I completely understand your point and have shared your comments as feedback with the dedicated team so they may look into this and improve upon its behavior.

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