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How can i pick which Fields should be auto-filled?

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My Enpass entries ususally consist of three elements: E-Mail, username and password. 

Most websites only want two of those, which leads to the problem that sometimes Enpass puts the uesername into a field that expects my e-mail adress. (In case it matters, i usually click on the enpass extension icon in my browser, then double-click on the entry in the popup window to auto-fill the login text fields) 

How can i tell enpass which fields it should use for the auto-fill?

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22 hours ago, Thane5 said:

My Enpass entries ususally consist of three elements: E-Mail, username and password. 

Most websites only want two of those, which leads to the problem that sometimes Enpass puts the uesername into a field that expects my e-mail adress. (In case it matters, i usually click on the enpass extension icon in my browser, then double-click on the entry in the popup window to auto-fill the login text fields) 

How can i tell enpass which fields it should use for the auto-fill?


the way i see it you have these options

1. Use the "Save Webform" in the browser-extenion's menu (should the specific site provide a Form). This is intended when there are additional or non-standard attributes to fill in.

2. if it's only few or specific sites that are messed up, and you want the E-mail to be used during login, but still keep the UserName stored in Enpass, then change the Field-type of that specific item's UserName-field from the type 'UserName' to 'Text' or something (described here). That way it will still look the same, but Enpass shouldn't try to use ut during Autofill.. i suppose ... of course the same would work with the E-mail field as well.


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Hi @Thane5,

Welcome to the Enpass community.

Using Save as Webform is the best choice when there are multiple custom fields on a webpage because, with this feature, Enpass can map multiple fields for auto-filling purposes. You can also refer to this link to know more about Webforms.

You can also try adding the item through the Inline menu function. When on the login page of this same website, enter your credentials. Upon entering your details, you will see the option 'Add to Enpass' (please refer to the attached image). Click it, and the information will be saved to Enpass.


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