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Audit: Old passwords


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I recently switched from 1Password to Enpass. The one feature I miss is to create intelligent tags, e. g. tags that are automatically filled using certain criteria, e. g. passwords not changed for over 3 years.

Most of my problems could be solved if there was a way to list passwords that haven't been changed for some time. According to the following blog post, this feature seems to exist:


("They are categorized as – 3+ years old, 1-3 years old, 6-12 months old, 3-6 months old.")

Unfortuately, the described items don't exist in my Audit section, just compromised, weak, identical, expired. I am using the current macOS App Store version of Enpass 6.8.1 (1060).


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4 hours ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @PatrickR

It is possible you may not have any passwords in Enpass that you have not changed or any expired passwords. Enpass automatically shows you these categories (3-6 months, expired etc) in case any passwords fulfill the criteria.

You are right. According to Enpass, the password was changed yesterday. The reason is that the 1Password import function of Enpass is still broken and sets the password update date to the date of the import rather than the key updatedAt in the 1Pif export.

As a result, all 1410 of my passwords will be displayed in the audit section at the exact same date in the future.


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Hi @PatrickR

Could you please open your 1pif file using text edit ( or any text opener) and search for the created date using "createdAt" and updated time using "updatedAt" while searching?


Once you get to the created date, please convert it using the Unix time converter, as that will give us the exact time when it was created. Please share that along with the version of the OS and 1Password application you are using. We appreciate your co-operation in this matter.

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8 hours ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @PatrickR


Could you please open your 1pif file using text edit ( or any text opener) and search for the created date using "createdAt" and updated time using "updatedAt" while searching?


Once you get to the created date, please convert it using the Unix time converter, as that will give us the exact time when it was created. Please share that along with the version of the OS and 1Password application you are using. We appreciate your co-operation in this matter.

Hi @Abhishek Dewan,

I suggest, we skip the suggested step and take a big leap forward. Please see the attached screenshot for reference.

This, however, does not solve the problem with my now corrupt data as I don't plan to import again. What is your suggestion to get the correct date in the password changed field without reimporting? Can you provide any means of scripting Enpass?



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1 hour ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @PatrickR

I will definitely look into this for you, but to replicate the issue on our end and provide you with a resolution in this matter, could you please share the version of the OS you are using and the 1Password application? Thanks for your understanding in this case.

Hi @Abhishek Dewan,

I am taking your word for it.

The 1Password version is: 1Password 6.8.9 (689000) on macOS Monterey current.


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2 hours ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @PatrickR

Thank you for the details.

We are looking into the concern reported by you and will get back to you soon with an update.

As I now invested time to help you solve your import problem:

Could you please in return provide a way to fix my now corrupt data without re-importing?


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1 hour ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @PatrickR

I discussed this case with our dedicated team. For the time being, there is no workaround since the data has already been imported. Please be assured that we are working on a fix for the problem and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

As said numerous times. A fix for the problem will help new users and your company.

It won't, however, help me. Hence, I would really appreciate a solution (not a workaround) from Enpass to fix my now currupt data.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Abhishek Dewan

I answered every single question concerning the bug, even the ones that won't contribute to the solution of the problems by your developers. In return for my free contribution to your commercial product which I purchased, you did not only refuse to offer a workaround but in addition chose to completely ignore my postings.

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Hi @PatrickR

The disappointment you feel in this matter is certainly understandable. I thank you for reporting and helping us identify this bug, and I did check with our dedicated development team for an immediate solution in this case, but our development team has informed me that they are already working on a patch that will address this issue; there is not an immediate fix for this issue at the moment. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this problem and are working on a fix.

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1 hour ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @PatrickR

The disappointment you feel in this matter is certainly understandable. I thank you for reporting and helping us identify this bug, and I did check with our dedicated development team for an immediate solution in this case, but our development team has informed me that they are already working on a patch that will address this issue; there is not an immediate fix for this issue at the moment. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this problem and are working on a fix.

Hi @Abhishek Dewan,

considering your appreciation of my support the least I can ask is for you to read my postings.

A patch for the issue will never help me even if it was finished.

What I need is a way to fix my corrupt data. Are you willing to help me with that?


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  • 3 weeks later...

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