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Autofill Firefox is VERY slow (more than 20 seconds)

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I'm using Enpass on a Windows 7 Environment.

  • Enpass Version 5.6.5
  • Firefox Version 59.0.1 (64 bit)
  • Plugin Version 5.5.2

Autofill works in Firefox, but I have to wait about 20 seconds until the username and password gets filled in.

It doesn't make a difference whether I use the plugin icon or the context menu. After the element is chosen nothing happens for about 20 seconds. Then the credentials get autofilled.

Is this a known issue? I didn't find any forum topic for this...

Best regards,


Edited by Ruppel
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thanks for the reply. I'm facing the issue on all websites. In our company intranet as well as in the internet (e.g. pixabay.com).

Over 20 seconds nothing happens and then the credentials get entered and the login works.

Thanks a lot!

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  • 2 months later...


now I have an idea, why enpass is slow on my side

It's a company owned laptop and we sync the personal folders to the server. By standard enpass saves the password file inside this personal folder. And it seems that this slows down the ui.

I changed the place to save the the wallet in the extended settings to a local folder and reaction time is much much better!

Thanks for helping me and for the really good and nice application!

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  • 6 months later...

I'm having the same issue. I'm syncing with dropbox, and I wonder if that's related. I notice if I open the enpass app and manually sync dropbox, then the firefox autofill dialog shows up immediately. After a while of dropbox not being synced, the autofill dialog takes 15 - 20 seconds to be visible.

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Same here since update to Enpass 6.

Firefox 64 on MacOS Mojave
Enpass Extension 6.0.0
Enpass 6.0.2 syncing with WebDAV

When clicking on the extension icon in Firefox I have to wait for about 20 seconds. Alternatively, I can click twice. Then the popup appears immediately.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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