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Enpass 6.8.2-6.8.5 Not Responding, 180k+ Idle Wake Ups, High CPU Utilization


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I'm not sure if this is an issue with Enpass, or one caused by a recent Chrome update. I usually leave Enpass running. I have noticed that the last couple weeks, the Enpass Browser Add-on fails to activate, or even come up at all (especially in a Private Window); and that most times when returning to my computer Enpass is shows as "Not Responding" in the Activity Monitor with approximately 130k-230k Idle Wake Ups, and at about 60% CPU Utilization. I have to Force Quit the Process and re-open it. Even after doing so, the Browser Extension still only works sometimes.

macOS Catalina 10.15.7
Chrome (Brave) Version 1.40.113 Chromium: 103.0.5060.114 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Enpass 6.8.2 (App Store Version)

Let me know if there is anything else I can provide to help isolate this issue.


Edited by bu11etpr00f
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Hi @bu11etpr00f

We are looking into the concern reported by you but require some additional information in this matter. Could you please share the below details with me as it will help us in isolating the bug on our end -

  1. The number of Items you have stored in your Enpass app.

  2. The number of vaults you have created in your Enpass app.

  3. Are you using any cloud server to synchronize your data? Please share the name of it, if any.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would prefer to provide this information somewhere that isn't public.

I will say though, this is a new problem, and I have not changed anything significant within Enpass, nor with my system since this trouble started (other than updating my Browser when prompted).

Just now, Enpass Desktop on macOS was working as expected, but the Browser Extension was not. I checked the Activity Monitor, and sure enough, Enpass Desktop was bouncing around between 130k-230k Idle Wake Ups. I closed Enpass through the normal "Quit Enpass" option through the "Enpass" Application Menu, it was not locked up. As soon as I relaunched Enpass the Browser Extension started working as normal.

I did not restart my browser.

After Restarting Enpass Desktop the Idle Wake Ups are bouncing between 0-1. CPU Usage is 0.0


Edited by bu11etpr00f
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  • 5 months later...

Just updated to 6.8.5. Still an issue.

>> Appears to be related to accessing Enpass while using a "Private" browsing Window. <<

macOS Catalina 10.15.7
Chrome (Brave) Version 1.46.153 Chromium: 108.0.5359.128 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Enpass 6.8.5 (App Store Version)

DISABLE: "Show Inline Autofill Popup Menu" Setting in Enpass Extension Settings:


I will follow-up after confirming workaround.

Edited by bu11etpr00f
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  • bu11etpr00f changed the title to Enpass 6.8.2-6.8.5 Not Responding, 180k+ Idle Wake Ups, High CPU Utilization
  • 2 months later...

Confirming issue is no longer present after using the following workaround (also posted above).

DISABLE: "Show Inline Autofill Popup Menu" Setting in Enpass Browser Extension Settings:


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