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I would like to know if there is an 2FA-Option additionally to the Master-Password when I open my Passwortmanager? Of course I hope, that nobody cracks my Master-Password. However "better safe than sorry"  ... since 2FA is an important security-feature, I wonder why this option to add an 2FA (and I don't mean the Logins for my inside-Password) is not available yet? Or did I miss it?

Thanks for your answer in advance.

Best Regards


No, people have been nagging for that for many years (including me). 

There's an advanced section for the vault password where you can generate a Keyfile to use in addition to your password. 

While that isn't comparable to fido2 / challenge-response using a hardware token, it adds some complexity to your password. 

If using a Keyfile you have to both store the file safely but also not to exposed. 



Hi @Marina,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

I would like to share that I have duly noted your feedback and your comments have been relayed to our dedicated team to check its feasibility. Currently, we do not have any ETA for the same. As suggested by @Ivarson you can add another layer of security by using a Keyfile with the password.


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