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Enpass Discussion Forum

Autofill Desktop Apps

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It implements the Autofill-API's on iOS and Android, for websites and apps.

But on Desktop OS's there are no generic API's for that, so only autofill in websites via the plugins.

Some password managers like keepass, keepassxc, keeweb have AutoTyping-functionality but this isnt implemented in Enpass which is ashame.

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The system integrates Autofill-APIs on iOS and Android, ensuring smooth autofill experiences for websites and apps. Yet, Desktop OSs lack universal APIs, restricting autofill to website plugins. Unlike some password managers, Enpass lacks AutoTyping functionality, a notable drawback. That's my point of  view.

Edited by Andreo Maetro
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1 hour ago, Andreo Maetro said:

The system integrates Autofill-APIs on iOS and Android, ensuring smooth autofill experiences for websites and apps. Yet, Desktop OSs lack universal APIs, restricting autofill to website plugins. Unlike some password managers, Enpass lacks AutoTyping functionality, a notable drawback. That's my point of  view.

I've honestly given up on it and I don't use Enpass any more.

1Password for example solved the autotype function via a desktop app. This opens a small window in which the data can be retrieved via hotkey.

KeePass can do autotype via a plugin and KeePassXC which I am now actively using makes it similar to 1Password

After more than a year, the interest in the further development of Enpass seems rather limited.
Over and Out

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