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Autofill TOTP


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i know Enpass copies the TOTP after Login, but other Password Managers also autofill the TOTP just like username and password so i don't have to insert it manually via mouse or CRTL + V

Beside auto-copy of the TOTP that would be a really great and one of few missing features (in my opinion)

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On 12/29/2022 at 11:58 AM, Abhishek Dewan said:

Enpass allows you to automatically copy-paste the TOTP. Please ensure that you have enabled 'Automatically Copy and Fill OTP after autofill' option in Enpass Settings -> Browser -> Autofill.


thank you for your reply. I know Enpass copies the OTP automatically after login.

What i haven't seen before ist the option "Automatically Copy an fill OTP..." but i can only see this option in the app itself.

In the firefox (and opera) browser extension settings it only says "Automatically copy OTP after autofill" (without fill). So auto-copy is working fine, but it doesn't autofill the OTP, i have to paste it manually every time.

Edited by Langer
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Hi @Langer

The option to copy and paste the OTP is present in the app itself and it works for all the browsers.











If you are still facing this issue after enabling this option, please share the below details with me and I'll have this issue further investigated for you -

  1. The version of the Enpass app, Extension, Firefox browser, Opera browser and OS you are using.
  2. Are you facing this concern will all the webpages or any particular ones? Kindly share the name of a few so we may get them checked.
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Sorry for the late answer.


I'm using Windows 11 Pro 22H2 Build 22621.963

Enpass App version: 6.8.4 (1166)



Chrome 108.0.5359.125 with Extension 6.8.0

Opera 94.0.4606.38 with Extension 6.8.0

Edge 108.0.1462.76 with Extension 6.8.0

Firefox 108.0.2 with Extension 6.8.0


Second PC:

Windows 10 Pro 21H2 Build 19044.2364

Enpass App version: 6.8.4 (1166)



Edge 108.0.1462.76 with Extension 6.8.0

Chrome 108.0.5359.125 with Extension 6.8.0

Firefox 108.0.2 with Extension 6.8.0


I've tested Amazon and Google with all browsers but same behavior on all other sites with OTP.


On both Systems autofill of username and password is working fine but it doesn't autofill the OTP, copy to clipboard works fine but i have to paste it manually.

With 1Password everything is working fine for me and OTPs are autofilled.

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i've tested a little bit and found the following behavior:


I have to check "automatically login after filling details" together with "automatically copy and fill one-time code after autofill". Last one i understand but why have i to check auto-login?

"autofill without showing enpass assistant" is not allowed to be checked, otherwise it doesn't work anymore. (explanation later)


Thats one part, the other part: I have at least at password field to click on the showing popup from enpass, if i just let it autofill without clicking on the popup, OTP isn't autofilled, just copied to clipboard.


Problem with that: If Enpass autofills and logins direct after autofilling OTP, i can't check that OTP isn't asked at next login. (see second gif)


1Password is handling it better: At Login i have to click on the username, password and OTP are filled automatically, even if OTP site comes later. Even if (for example) google wants to login with security key, i cancel it and choose authenticator app, 1Password autofills OTP.

not working.gif


Edited by Langer
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