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Enpass not working under 22.04.01 LTS


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I have installed Enpass as per the instructions at https://www.enpass.io/support/kb/general/how-to-install-enpass-on-linux/

However Enpass will not run. No icon appears in the app menu.

 If I try to run it from the terminal it says Command 'enpass' not found, but can be installed with:

sudo snap install enpass

Which it can and the snap version runs and an icon is added to the menu. But the snap version doesn't work with the Firefox plugin :-(

Going round in circles as I have another 22.04.01 LTS machine which runs Enpass fine but version


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Hi @snaprails

Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

Using the 'sudo snap install enpass' command will install the first Enpass package which will not work with firefox plugin. In this case, please follow the below steps -

  1. Completely uninstall the Enpass app using the command 'sudo snap remove enpass'.
  2. Now, install the Enpass app using the instructions given here and open the app from the terminal using - /opt/enpass/Enpass.


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11 minutes ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @snaprails

Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

Using the 'sudo snap install enpass' command will install the first Enpass package which will not work with firefox plugin. In this case, please follow the below steps -

  1. Completely uninstall the Enpass app using the command 'sudo snap remove enpass'.
  2. Now, install the Enpass app using the instructions given here and open the app from the terminal using - /opt/enpass/Enpass.


OK. Since yesterday I've reinstalled Xubuntu for other reasons. Installed Enpass using the above instructions. Still won't open from icon and from the terminal I get:

don@don-ThinkPad-13:~$ /opt/enpass/Enpass
/opt/enpass/Enpass: error while loading shared libraries: libxcb-icccm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Update. Running /opt/enpass/Enpass three times and then installing the package it complained was missing each time seems to have fixed it. Enpass now opens from the icon.

As far as I can make out - I'm not an expert - the three packages it was looking for were


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