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Enpass Discussion Forum

We've requested some changes few years ago. Still nothing. Enpass dead?


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Hi @DennisO

Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

I completely understand your point of view, and we are aware of the demand for many feature requests that we receive via forums and email. We are grateful for the feedback we receive from our users, and we keep track of every request. However, all new features undergo certain phases when they are implemented, such as feasibility tests, development, etc, and are only released after a rigorous testing process.

Having said that, we will definitely notify our users via our forum and release notes once a new feature is released. We appreciate your patience until then.

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You guys created this years ago. So if testing development etc takes 3 years what to me looks like an easy job, it looks like no one is working on it.

I mean the feature is already there. It wouldn't take a lot of time to develop this in a way that it can be shared through all vaults. Maybe a month. But not 3 years right.

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