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Hi @4sb8

For troubleshooting purposes, take a note of your credentials for this app, then remove the item that you have saved in your Enpass app. Once done, enter the credentials on the webpage, save it in the Enpass app, try autofilling and share your findings with me.

If the issue persists, please share any other apps as well on which you are facing this concern.


Hi Abhishek,

Thank you for your response.


Actions taken:
1. Deleted the item in both of the vaults that it was located in

2. Entered the credentials in Safari on the iOS but it did not offer to save it automatically into enpass.

3. Entered the credentials in FF on Mac OS pressed login, but wasn't prompted to save credentials by enpass as it sometimes happened. After logging in, I logged out.

4. Entered the credentials in FF on Mac OS and "added to Enpass" via plug-in functionality (before logging in).

5. Synced my enpass between the iPhone and my Mac

6. Opened the app in iOS and clicked on "Passwords" after which I was automatically taken to the facial recognition of enpass and was presented with the "We could not find a corresponding item. Try Search!" - this is the same behaviour as before.


Hi @4sb8

While we are looking into the reported concern, kindly try the below steps and share your findings with me - 

  1. Open the Enpass app and try to autofill.
  2. Once the Enpass autofill opens, try creating a new item (create new).
  3. Observe the website field and confirm if the field has any URL already filled on it.

Also, kindly share a short video of the concern as it would be helpful in getting to the root of this issue. You can share the video with us at support@enpass.io and mention this forum.



Hi Abhishek,

I can confirm that after following the steps described above, but with one change - instead of 1. Open the Enpass app, I opened the Rogers Bank app, and followed step 2, the information in the website field in the step 3 was empty.


Any suggestions on how to create a short video (e.g., any specific software, etc.) on the iPhone and do it in a way it protects my privacy by not showing my usernames for the items in the Enpass?






Hi @4sb8

After a thorough investigation, we found that Roger bank app doesn't provide the website field and thats why the Enpass app can't show the relevant matching Items. This issue seems to be from the Rogers Bank app and not from Enpass.


Thanks for your follow up Abhishek - if I understand your message above, it sounds like Enpass requires an app to provide a website field that is used to recognize the app in Enpass. The fact that Rogers Bank app does not provide the website field means that Enpass is unable to recognize the app. Is this correct?





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