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Running WIFI-Sync Server as a daemon on Linux ...


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Hello Friends:

This is my very first post. I'm a brand new Enpass user looking to vacate my old password manager for this one. :)

On my Fedora-38 Linux server I have the following Enpass version installed:

enpass- (latest)

I'd like to use this server as my Enpass WIFI-Sync Server but in a headless setting -- i.e. without having to log in.

I can, say, log in a first time to set Enpass up via the its UI, but after that I'd like to run this as a daemon/service every time the system boots without me having to log in and start the desktop UI:


Is it possible to set things up this way?

Thank you in advance. :)

Edited by NYCeyes
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Hi @Abhishek Dewan That feature would be a game changer:

  • A file with credentials and key is placed in a secure location with tight permissions.
  • Environment variables point to resources needed: credentials file, Vaults, etc.

Then, Linux systemd(1) starts the WIFI-Sync Servicer. No terminal or desktop is needed. Clients connect to it and sync.

We headless solution is needed.

Edited by NYCeyes
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