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Dropbox Sync no longer working


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Dropbox Sync worked for years without any problem. Then, Enpass started to add features. I never aksed for, nor needed them. Since than, web handling is almost impossible, and IOS dropbox sync is no longer working.

I use Enpass 6.7.4 (933)

I recommended the software to a lot of people, please don't give me the impression, that this was a mistake!

Rgds, Uwe

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Hi @Haifeif

It seems that you are using an older version of the Enpass app. Kindly update your Enpass app to the latest version 6.9.1 and share your findings. If the issue persists, please share the below details and I'll gladly get this checked for you -

  1. The version of the Enpass app and OS you are using.
  2. A screenshot of any error occurring would be helpful.
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Sorry for the confusion. The Enpass Version, I mentioned, is the main version on my windows PC.

On my iPad I use 6.9.1 (751)

The message is something like You can't connect two safes with the same account. As I said, it worked for years. Well, 1 more thing: During my attemp today I had problems to connect  to the dropbox on my iPad. Maybe my try to fix that opened a second safe?


Rgds, Uwe

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Hi @Haifeif

Thank you for elaborating on the concern.

Please try the below troubleshooting steps and share your findings with us -

  1. On the device on which you are facing this issue, create a manual backup of your Enpass data.

  2. Once done, erase the data from local that can be done from the main app settings → Advance settings → Choose erase everything.

  3. This will delete the existing data locally. Then, setup Enpass again from welcome screen, try connecting the sync with the required cloud and share your findings with us.

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