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How to use Passkey with enpass?


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Hello everyone, can someone explain to me how exactly Enpass works with passkeys and what advantages arise if I can synchronize passkeys with Enpass?

If I understand correctly, I can currently only use passkeys on iOS with Enpass.

Example: I create a test account at passkey.org on iOS. This passkey is also saved in Enpass and synced across all my devices. But that's apparently already the end of it for me. On other devices (Android, MacOS, Windows, etc.) I can't do anything with the passkey entered in Enpass.

I also can't get any information from the passkey entry in Enpass other than the username and the website link or is there more that I can't see? My expectation was that I create a passkey on a site, save it in Enpass and then on another device, e.g. Android, use Enpass to log in to the site. And yes, I use the latest versions of Enpass. I obviously haven't understood something yet. Who can shed light on the matter?

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Hi @Dorian

Passkeys streamline the login process, eliminating the need to rely on memory or manually enter passwords. They consist of a pair of digital "keys" automatically generated on your device, and they only function when used together. One key is stored by the respective account, while the other remains securely encrypted on your device. When logging into an account, these two keys seamlessly combine instead of requiring a traditional password, providing a robust confirmation of your identity.

For a visual guide on how to add a passkey in the iOS version of the app, I recommend checking out this blog, as it includes a helpful video that can assist you in this scenario.

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Thank you dear Chat Bot.
I find it insulting to receive an answer from an Enpass team member that doesn't address my questions at all - like an incompetent AI. The specified video represents exactly what I have already expressed. If my questions and statements are not understandable, the least I can do is ask questions about what you don't understand. But such an answer shows little interest in the customer.
Are there any forum members here who might be able to help me understand?

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This Enpass support for passkeys on iOS is an important step, but it is something that we've already had before in iCloud keychain. The main difference is that such passkeys are not stored on Apple's servers (iCloud), but they are under our control (in Enpass). Unfortunately (as I understand) passkeys are NOT yet available on non-iOS systems, but as we can read in declaration on the blog post:

"And we’re excited to be bringing the simplicity and security of synced passkeys to Mac, Windows, Android and Linux very soon as well."

and that's a real good news!

See this feature request:


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Hi @syriusz@Dorian

@syriuszI want to express my gratitude for your effort in sharing the quote from our blog, which I also referenced in my initial comment on this forum. Your assumption is entirely accurate: at present, the Passkey feature is exclusively available in the iOS version of the app. I'd like to inform you that our dedicated development team is actively engaged in the process of extending this functionality to other platforms. We are well aware that Passkeys are among the most requested features by our users, and they bring numerous benefits. We kindly ask you to stay tuned as we work diligently to implement this feature for other platforms. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated by our team, and we value our users immensely!

@DorianThe process of adding a Passkey in Enpass may vary, and based on your comments, it seemed that you may be encountering challenges in this regard. Additionally, I understand you're interested in learning about Passkey support for other platforms, which is why I shared the blog with you. If in case I have understood your concern incorrectly, kindly let me know and I'll be more than happy to provide further assistance based on your request.

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