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6.9.1 High CPU usage when it cannot access Folder Sync Vault


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This worked in the previous version. Since the latest update, rather than timing out , it just continues to try to connect to a Folder which is not currently present.


I use 2 different servers to separate my work and personal folders and they are on different Wifi networks etc.


Previously it gracefully timed out folders which were currently not available now it keeps trying and eats up to 16% of my CPU.


Precisely the same issue as I have been complaining about in iOS since May! 




Seems the Folder sync and in general multiple folder options have not been properly thought through. 

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Edition    Windows 10 Pro
Version    22H2
Installed on    ‎16/‎12/‎2021
OS build    19045.3448
Experience    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19044.1000.0

I am using the Desktop version of Enpass not the App store. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Sigan

We have recently launched a beta version for Enpass v6.9.2 in which we have incorporated some fixes due to which the issue you are facing could be occurring. If you could please download the Enpass beta version from here and share your findings with us if you are still facing this issue, it would be much appreciated.

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