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Enpass Discussion Forum

Enpass Shows Passwords in Plain Text When Pressing the Alt/Option Key


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Some time ago there was a "feature" introduced to the Enpass desktop app: If you press the alt/option key, Enpass will display the password in plain text.

Since this caused quite some trouble on Windows (see this thread) this functionality was removed from the Windows version of Enpass. However, it is still present today in the Mac version.

My personal perspective is that I do not like this behaviour at all. I do not want my passwords to be displayed in plain text on the screen because I accidentally press the option key. If I really want to look at my passwords, pressing this little eye symbol next to the "copy to clipboard" symbol with the mouse does the job and it's very unlikely to do so accidentally.

I would be very much interested in what others think about this functionality. Does someone has a use case for this?

If this feature was removed from the Mac version like it was from the Windows version, I certainly wouldn't miss it.

If there is indeed a valid use case for this, I wonder if the Enpass team could make this behaviour configurable via the options dialog of the app. In fact, you can configure quite a lot of Enpass behaviour there already. Why not adding an option so that the people who want to look at their passwords by pressing the alt/option key can do so, while all the others who don't want that can switch it off?

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