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Enpass auto installs wrong account


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I had to factory reset my phone and when I installed Enpass my password wouldn't work. So I created another account in hopes of just downloading my old file google drive to get my passwords back. Of course it didn't work. I installed Enpass on my PC and now I have all my passwords but when I tried to reinstall Enpass to switch to my first account it automatically activates the second acount and none of my passwords work. Is this an android setting or an Enpass setting? I don't see a "log out" on my PC version of Enpass. 

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Hi @mtdyson 

Sorry for the trouble you are going through. 

As far as I understood, you are able to unlock Enpass keychain on your PC but having a problem restoring the data on your mobile? If yes, I request you to drop us an email to "support@enpass.io" so that we can share some troubleshooting steps and try to fix this. 

Thanks for your co-operation.

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