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Desktop Version - Two important improovements


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Hello Guys,

I would really like if you could improove this 2 things:

  1. Extended or unlimited Password Chronicle/History: Its very uncomfortable that you can only see last 5 entries or so, because I personally need to look up the Password Generator History very often and I would really like to check older entries. A bigger list would be very nice!
  2. Can you please make it so, that Enpass remembers my Enpass window size? Its very annoying that I have to adjust the windows size for my preference every time I restart my computer... Its always smaller than I adjusted after a restart :(  


Thank you very much!

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Hi @Monk32,

Thanks for writing in.

10 hours ago, Monk32 said:

Extended or unlimited Password Chronicle/History: Its very uncomfortable that you can only see last 5 entries or so, because I personally need to look up the Password Generator History very often and I would really like to check older entries. A bigger list would be very nice!

We have noted down your suggestion as a feature requests and will be discussed in our next meeting.


10 hours ago, Monk32 said:

Can you please make it so, that Enpass remembers my Enpass window size? Its very annoying that I have to adjust the windows size for my preference every time I restart my computer... Its always smaller than I adjusted after a restart :(  


We have fixed this issue in the current beta version and will be available very soon with the next release. Please bear with us.


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