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more options... ?


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I would suggest an idea , in addition to option d emulti vault, could also tert option in a single vault have various levels of access with priorities as a password for read-only , etc ... also multiple vaults on a single file , also a unique password to add entries , poir example , I use enpass with browser addon to add new entries but every time I add a new entry I have to retype the password , I believe this can open loopholes for programs intercepting the password quanbdo you type it all the time , could adiiconar a password only to add data , when it was typed adicionasse the new entyrada if browser recovered password to a temporary folder within the vault and then in time and appropriate you condition could accept or not this entry to add fixedly entering the vault , thank you.

....sorry bad english.. google translated

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Hello @diego.narducci88,

Sorry for not being able to understand the Google translated text clearly.

On 3 August 2016 at 2:50 AM, diego.narducci88 said:

ould also tert option in a single vault have various levels of access with priorities as a password for read-only , etc ... also multiple vaults on a single file , also a unique password to add entries

But as far as I can understand is that you are suggesting to set permission levels on Enpass database  where every level of permission will be protected by a unique password. This is something that we haven't planned for yet.

On 3 August 2016 at 2:50 AM, diego.narducci88 said:

poir example , I use enpass with browser addon to add new entries but every time I add a new entry I have to retype the password

If you mean that Enpass being locked after a particular period of time and you have to enter master password very frequently (while using the system), you can control this behavior in better way by setting the lock time based on system inactivity rather than Enpass's inactivity. More at https://www.enpass.io/docs/desktop-windows/security.html#lock-when-system-is-idle

Hope this helps!

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I meant that enpass could have a password in read-only mode to access only to read and what I find most important and consider a vulnerability is the fact every time I need to add a new need to register to enter the password to add , I think interesting if it had a unique password to add new entries, and when it was entered this password the User would have access to a temporary folder within the enpass only to add new entries , like a " append" , and then the admin eat master password accept or not these new entries in enpass
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