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enpass fails to execute on android [kindle 5th gen]


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I would like to use enpass on my two kndles and I can install apparently OK with an apk.  But the enpass icon never executes - flashes and than disappears.  Any ideas?

I would like to purchase and support enpass with $$  but cannot locate a place to pay via paypal?  Maybe that I haven't paid for an enpass pro version??

Any ideas would be helpful

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Hi @GlaxMor 

Thanks for writing in.

I would like to share that Enpass for Android is only available on Google Play Store. We strongly recommend users to install Enpass only from the respective app stores (Google Play Store) as apps on Store are signed with developer certificates and delivery through it assures that software is genuine and not tempered. While installing Enpass from other websites or stores might put you in trouble of security risk like data theft.


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