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Choose file location on android


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With Enpass for windows we can choose the keys file location. But not on android.

I'd like to use this way:

- On windows I choose a location on my local dropbox (will be synced when I want to)

- On android I use foldersync to sync in one way only (PC->Android only, reference is always my PC).

- Then I'd like to be able to choose the file location in Enpass for android (local synced dropbox folder).

Is it possible ?

Thank you.

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  • 2 months later...


I would also like this feature. Boggles my mind why it's not in from beginning. I'm using a NAS at home, syncing all my files with proprietary software. Why can't I use a local file that I synced manually(or with a 3rd party software)?

This really is probably the only thing that keeps me from purchasing the Android app.


Edited by maetthew
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