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How do I import my Enpass keychain from Windows version in Android?


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I have been successfully using android on the Windows platform for several months now and I love it. So today I wanted to start using Enpass on my Android device as well. My Windows version already syncs with my Google Drive for regular backups. So naturally the first thing I tried after starting the Android version was importing that keychain.

On the start screen, when faced with the choice between "new user" and "restore data" (I don't know what exactely those choices are called in the English version, I use the German version) I chose "restore" and then "Google Drive".  I chose my Google Account and then entered my MasterPassword I had created on my Desktop Windows version. Which it didn't accept. Not even after 5 tries in case I had mistyped. It definitely doesn't accept my Windows Master Password.

Note: As of now I am using the test version. I would like to resolve this problem before I upgrade to the regular version.

What am I doing wrong and how can I get it to import my keychain from Windows? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Hi @Bertel,

Sorry for the trouble you're going through while restoring the Enpass data on Android device.

Please follow these troubleshooting steps and share your feedback.

Step 1: 

  • Turn off the sync from all devices.
  • Login into Google Drive in any Browser-->  Open Enpass Folder --> Select Sync_default.walletx file --> Rename it as oldSync_default.walletx.
  • Now open Enpass on your Windows PC --> Settings --> And sync with Google Drive.

Step 2: After successfully completing the above steps, please perform these steps on the Android device.

  • Open Enpass on your Android device --> Select RESTORE MY EXISTING DATA --> Select same Google Drive account --> And follow the instructions.

Hope this helps!

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