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Bug? Changing login under "identical" redirects to "all items"


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Dear Enpass,

I have a rather annoying issue with the Windows Desktop application.

I started changing my old weak passwords. The desktop app shows an "Password Audit" on the left side. Under "Identical" I have several hits. One of which has allmost 50 logins in it.

So, I wanted to change them all. Starting from the top, to the bottom. But I came across an annoying bug. Please follow these steps:

> Password Audit
> Identical 
> Click certain password with multiple hits
> List with logins shows in the middle
> Click any login
> Change the password for that login and save
> Login disappears from list 

That's all fine. But after that you can do anything you want (start changing the second login of whatever) but the screen allways gets redirected to "All Items".

So if you, like me, have 50 or more logins to change, you again have to do these steps

> Password Audit
> Identical 
> Click certain password with multiple hits
> List with logins shows in the middle
> Click any login

every damn time after you saved a new password. This is really making a time consuming job even more time consuming.

I don't understand why the desktop app redirects me to "all items" after I save a new login/password under "Password Audit > Identical > certain password"


Hope you guys understand what I'm trying to explain. If not, please let me know.


Edited by QuickPalm
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Same thing happend btw when you edit something in "all items". After editing a password and saving it all seems fine, but after a couple of seconds you get redirected to the first item at the top of the list of "all items". And regularly this happends two times in a row. When you click after the first time you get redirected, a second goes by, and your back again at the top op of the list in "all items". Makes it really hard to keep track of your editing work...

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