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Difference between versions


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When i beta tested Enpass 6 the last version from Microsoft Store vas build 220. Today when it is announced that Enpass 6 is released to customers i uninstalled Enpass 6 (220) and re-installed it but got Enpass 6 (218) instead of a slightly newer version, or the same version. When i downloaded the Desktop version i got Enpass 6 (230).

  1. Why do this happen, why is the beta version of Enpass 6 newer than the release version of Enpass 6 when i get it through Microsoft Store?

It would be interesting of the answer since i have been on several betas for other applications and this is the first time the release version is older than the beta version.

And, what´s the difference between the versions? What functionality do i miss when buying Enpass 6 and thus get an older version compared to using the free newer version of Enpass 6?


Edited by Roger
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