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Enpass Discussion Forum

Does sharing auto-update?


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My wife and I currently have separate LastPass accounts but we have a shared folder for login info for shared info (e.g. bank accounts, kids' school stuff). If I update a password in one of these, it's automatically updated for her as well. Since these are in a folder, if she adds a new site, I have access as well.

Does EnPass provide similar functionality?

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Guest Ankur Sahu

Hello @dougharris

Unlike online password managers, Enpass is a offline solution. We do not ask users to create online account with us to store their data on our server and so we are unable to share logins between users by mere changing the permission. 

But in Enpass, you can share data with your wife through email. An obfuscated link for data will be created and she can import that item into her vault. For more about sharing in Enpass please have a look at https://www.enpass.io/docs/desktop-windows/share.html and https://www.enpass.io/docs/android/share.html

Hope this helps!

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