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Attachments don't work


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Hi Anshu,

same here…

OS: Windows 10 (1809)  and OSX Mojave (-> both Desktop versions…. IOS works fine…)

Sync: OneDriveFile

Format .pdf

Entries  imported via 1PW Exchange File...

Description: File menu (the three dots) shows "save" and "open"; after clicking open, a new window appears on the right side, but no document is shown, only  a lot of  "White" 

To exclude importing issues, I've attached a new pdf to a new entry: in this case, the menu doesn't even provide an "open", only "save" is shown…   IOS works fine too in this case…

Hope, this will help…



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9 hours ago, Anshu kumar said:

Hey @wgaustin,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

Please share some more info so that we can investigate further.

  • OS version?
  • The format of attachment?
  • Is this specific to a particular attachment ?
  • Cloud service for sync?


Anshu - 

OS: iOS 10.13.6

Format: PDF attachments.  Same as Tom above.  Note other types like JPG work fine

Cloud service:  iCloud



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