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Multiple Users on a mac, different Passwords for each Vault


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Hello, I want to use enpass on a Mac with two users. The storage location is a shared folder where all users have full access rights. I want to use 3 different vaults, each with its own password protected.

Vault-1 (default): access with master password possible

Vault-2: Access only possible with Vault-2 Password

Vault-3: Access only possible with Vault-3 Password

Application example: Several family members use the Mac with their own user profile, start Enpass from the mentioned common folder. The Vault-1 area should contain passwords accessible to all users, Vault1 + 2 only personal passwords.

How can I implement this?

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I think it should be not a problem if every user has its own user profile (although I didn't test it).

Just create the main Enpass vault and afterwards the other 2 vaults. Create a separate folder for each vault. Then you'll just connect the Enpass app to the already existing vault 2 and 3 from the appropriate user account.

That should be not a problem until you plan to sync the vaults to any mobile devices via cloud storage. For now it works only with WebDAV.

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