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Easy Password Sharing


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I tested Enpass for some weeks now an decided to switch from KeePass to Enpass.
Also my family (wife and daughter) should use Enpass, but I want to have separate vaults for each family member (one vault for me, one vault for my daughter and one for my wife).

Before I tested Enpass I tested Bitwarden.
I will not use Bitwarden because my passwords are stored in the cloud (I know that I can set up my own server, but this is to complicated and too much work).

In Bitwarden I can define a group and give this group a name (like "Family").
Then I add users to this group (by email address that they use in their Bitwarden account).
Now I can share passwords with them.

It would cool when I could add users in Bitwarden.
They should be displayed on the left side (below "Tags") in a new group called "Users".

To share a password I hust drag it to the user.
Now a new dialog opens with the following options

  • Share password read-only
    This is a switch (on and off), the default setting is "on"
    When this option is set, the target user can only use the password but not modify it.
  • Hide password
    This is a switch (on and off), the default setting is "on"
    When this setting is "on" then the target user can not see the password (to prevent that they read it, go to the website of the service and change it there)

This way I can easily share my Amazon account with my wife (but not the daughter), share the school account with both and keep my credit card for me.
And when I change a shared password then all target users should automatically get the updated entry.
This way is very comfortable and increases the usability a lot!

If a password entry is shared, show a little icon at the right side of the password entry (like a little person).
It should also be possible to see all shared passwords in one list.

Of cause it should be possible to un-share a password that I have shared before.
I just select the entry and select "Un-Share" from the menu.

Best regards


Edited by OLLI_S
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  • 3 weeks later...


today I installed Dashlane in my VM and played a little bit with it.
I found a feature called "Sharing Feature" that comes close to my suggestion.
So here are some screenshots of the sharing center.

This feature is very important, so please consider implementing it soon.

Best regards







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19 hours ago, ArminWeber said:

Hello Ollie, 

I really love this idea and I also want to share passwords with my family (wife and two boys)

So such a feature really would be awesome. 


Hello Armin,

two boys? Wow, this means much stress!
I have one girl but this is really enough!

And please write OLLI and not Ollie.
Thank you

Best regards


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