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Done with Enpass


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Sorry but I'm done with your crappy software.

I'm a developer myself and I know releasing a bug free software is impossible, but your update from 5 to 6 was just BS.

You killed the sync functionality and the db conversion from 5 to 6 also wasn't bug free. OK bad thinks might happen... but all these problems were reported months ago and still there are no fixes.

Even worse  now sync is broken on all platforms!

In my case (WebDAV) sync is broken because of a character conversion failure. So if minor bugs like these take you months to fix, how long would a security critical bug like a failure in your vault.db design take to fix?

So I'm done with Enpass, not only did your support disappointed me also my trust in your Software is broken.

If anybody else how wants to switch to Keepass:

I quickly wrote an converter script from enpass json to keepass csv. Most of the informations are preserved. Everything that has no group in Keepass will be stored as Note. I wasn't sure how the attachments are serialized, so I didn't cared for them.

Have fun:

import json
with open('enpass_export.json') as enpass_json_fid:
    vault_data = json.loads(enpass_json_fid.read())

    keepass_csv_string = ''

    for item in vault_data['items']:

        title = item['title']
        group = item['category']
        last_modified = str(item['updated_at'])
        url = ''
        hostname = ''
        password = ''
        username = ''
        email = ''
        note = ''
        if item['note']:
            note += item['note'] + "\\n"
        for field in item['fields']:
            if field['value']:
                if field['label'] == 'Website':
                    url = field['value']

                elif field['label'] == 'Hostname':
                    hostname = field['value']

                elif field['label'] == 'Password':
                    password = field['value']

                elif field['label'] == 'Username':
                    username = field['value']

                elif field['label'] == 'E-mail':
                    email = field['value']

                    note += field['label'] + ": " + field['value'] + "\\n"

        if hostname and url:
            note += "Hostname: " + hostname + "\\n"
        elif hostname and not url:
            url = hostname

        if username and email:
            note += "E-Mail: " + email + "\\n"
        elif email and not username:
            username = email

        if note:
            note = note[: -2]

        keepass_csv_string += '\"' + title + '\"' + ',' + '\"' + group + '\"' + ',' + '\"' + username + '\"' + ',' \
                              + '\"' + password + '\"' + ',' + '\"' + url + '\"' + ',' + '\"' + note + '\"' + ',' \
                              + last_modified + "\n"


with open('keepass_import.csv', 'w') as keepass_csv_fid:


Edited by mietzen
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Same here. I'm just tired of those small and ugly bugs all over the apps. It's not possible to properly work with Enpass 6 and there are about 9 month gone, where nothing really changed. The "stable" version is still a beta. Sorry guys, but I had a way too long an optimistic attitude...

I'll give KeePass a try. It's a bit like a step back, if you are looking at the design and some secondary features. But it works rocksolid and have some more useful features already integrated.

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23 hours ago, xarekate said:

Same here. I'm just tired of those small and ugly bugs all over the apps. It's not possible to properly work with Enpass 6 and there are about 9 month gone, where nothing really changed. The "stable" version is still a beta. Sorry guys, but I had a way too long an optimistic attitude...

I'll give KeePass a try. It's a bit like a step back, if you are looking at the design and some secondary features. But it works rocksolid and have some more useful features already integrated.

I finally switched to Safe In Cloud - simply it satisfies me more than enpass and the changes here that happened 

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On 9/10/2019 at 5:15 AM, zyghom said:

I finally switched to Safe In Cloud - simply it satisfies me more than enpass and the changes here that happened 

I never heard of Safe in Cloud until today!  Wow.  It even looks like Enpass!  But it works on win7, 8 and 10, but not chrome os or linux.  The fact that it still works on Win 7 is great ... but they don't have portable version (not that Enpass has one that isn't beta yet either) I was wrong - they have a portable version also.  Now I know what I will try next if I hit a roadblock with Enpass.  :(

A feature Enpass doesn't have is password history ... that is interesting.  I save previous passwords manually in the notes.
Wrong again!  I found the feature.  :)

Just remember Enpass, I am telling you that I like you ...but you need to get some of these problems under control. 


Edited by loveworksdotcom
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