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Confirming search with "Enter"-Key opens edit mode


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Hi all,

I wanted to report a little bug. If you hit "Enter"-Key in the search field, the first item in search results will be opened in edit-mode.

I know you don't have to press enter in the search bar and the search starts by itself after typing, but still it's inconvenient. Edit mode should not trigger on enter key.

Best regards

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Guest Vikram Dabas


Thanks for the feedback. It's been shared with the team, and we will consider it in the future versions.

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Not sure if there was an update addressing this but, mine appears to be working in a "more expected way" at the moment. Pushing Return does edit still but it doesn't do it immediately. Searching and pressing Return fast (as you normally would) no longer causes the first result to be edited. If the results are returned already and then I press Return (aka, you paused before pushing Return), the first item is still edited. That isn't a problem since it's not instant anymore, searching feels normal. Not sure if there was an update to fix this or if my app or computer is just running slow but wanted to report back since I didn't see an Enpass update for this. Haven't looked through version change logs yet to verify a fix. If you guys fixed this, thanks! If my computer is just slow, then I guess that's a good work around ;)


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