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Imported enpass json records not displaying


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I exported my data to a json file in enpass.

I then deleted all records in enpass.

Finally I imported the json file I saved above. 

  -  After selecting the file enpass outputs "Ready to Import.  224 items found."

  -  I press the "Continue" button, and enpass outputs "Success.  224 items have successfully been imported into Empass".  I then press the "Done" button.

However, *no* items appear in Empass under any category, such as under "All items".  Empass is still empty of any data.

What is wrong here?

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I did that.  When I try to load the json file, it asks for a password: "Please provide the master password of the backup file". 

NOTE: enpass was originally defaulting to look for an "Enpass file" when I select "From this PC -> Backup file".  My json file backup did not show up, so I selected "all files".

When I enter the password I created for enpass, enpass responds "Incorrect Password".

What is strange is that the json file is completely readable.  I can open it and see all the fields including the passwords - nothing is encrypted.

How do I import my information from a json file after erasing everything?

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Hey @mcampbel123,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

Please follow these steps to import JSON file into Enpass.

  • Open Enpass --> Create an empty keychain with the same master password which you are using previously.
  • Now Tap on Menu --> File --> Import --> Select Enpass and follow the instruction.


Hope this helps!

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