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did msecure import ever work?

Max Weißböck

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Hey @Max Weißböck,

I'm really sorry about the trouble you are going through.

To investigate further on this issue we want a little input from your side so please let me know the following:

  • On which device (along with OS version) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using?
  • A version of mSecure and its default language?

Thanks for your co-operation.


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I'm using macOS 10.14.5 on a 15" MacBook Pro, German Language

Enpass Version: 6.1.0 (390), default language (so that is German)

mSecure Version: Version 3.5.7, default language (so that is German)

And that is the error I'm getting on mSecure Import, saying "Nothing to Import"

The cvs File contains more than 800 records, here are the first 5 or so, @@@@ stands for emai, xxxx for password


mSecure CSV export file
Persönlich,Web-Anmeldungen,ali express,,aliexpress.com,@@@@@@,xxxxx,
Nicht zugeordnet,Web-Anmeldungen,Amazon,,,,xxxxx,
Persönlich,Web-Anmeldungen,Apple-ID für App Store und ITunes Max,yyyyyyyyyyyy,,@@@@@@@,xxxxx,
Geschäftlich,Web-Anmeldungen,Atlassian Account,text text texttext text text,,@@@@@@@,xxxxxxx,
Persönlich,Nicht zugeordnet,@@@@,,XXXXX,,,,,,



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